1 minute read

The fun part is in the “where…” bit, knowing how to set your query to only get a portion of the data is heavy lifting here.
I know where I’m going to be using this in some soon to be written code. For the code, the data will timestamped, I can safely iterate by day and nuke all of the records for each day.

So we’ve all come across the need to delete 10 million records. however we all no that this won’t be quick and will result in a large log file and as we get nearer deleting the 10 millionth row the process is going very slowly.

Well the standard way around this is to run the command in batches, this way our transaction is never very big. So you can write a while loop and check an iterator, but first you need to get into the loop so you need to store the iteration in a variable and have something like this

set rowcount 10000
declare @rc int
set @rc =0
while @rc < 1000 
  –Do my update/delete etc    
  delete from mytable where ….
  set @rc = @rc+1

Well in SQL 2005 in SQLCMD mode and the new TOP clause in an update/delete you can do the following

–your update statement
delete top (10000) from mytable where ….
:go 1000

which of these looks easier to you. I vote for number 2.

_[via WebLogs @ SqlJunkies.com]

