Windows Home Server goes Beta 2
Windows Home Server has reached Beta 2. Foe those of your playing the home version of “Name That Beta”, Beta 2 means that Microsoft has is now soliciting external testers to try the new OS.
I’ve been running FreeNAS for a couple of weeks without incident, so naturally I decided to see if I wanted to take a perfectly good running NAS and replace it with an unstable beta. It does some cool things that I don’t do with FreeNAS, so I decided to see what was needed. It needs a Pentium 4, 512 MB RAM, and two or more drives with at least 300 GB space.
That seems a bit steep for a head-less device. I’m running FreeNAS on a box that is at least 5 years old. A 1 ghz Celeron with 256 MB RAM. I started with a couple of 20 GB drives (remember 5 years ago) and added a 250 GB drive.
FreeNAS is working just fine, I think I’ll leave it alone.