Technical Support: Verizon FiOS vs McAfee
It all started this morning when my wife went to check her email. She said that it wasn’t working, so I took a quick look. She uses Thunderbird to check her ...
It all started this morning when my wife went to check her email. She said that it wasn’t working, so I took a quick look. She uses Thunderbird to check her ...
After having several PC implosions, we now have two new Vista boxes at home. Both have Vista Home Premium installed. I’m used to the relative stability of XP...
I came across a posting by Dave Winer (via Joel) about blog comments. Dave doesn’t easily allow commenting because he thinks it takes away from message that...
Delphi’s TCollection class is very useful, but out of the box it lacks the ability to sort the items in the list. Fortunately, this is easily addressable ac...
In the weekly newsletter from TheServerSide.NET, there was a link to an article titled “REST versus SOAP – the REST story” by William Brogden. It’s a few mo...