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Is Microsoft Dead?

3 minute read

I was reading Mike Gunderloy’s new blog, A Fresh Cup, and I came across a link to an article titled “Microsoft is Dead”, by Paul Graham.  Paul’s view is that...

Jeremy Clarkson does more than laugh at rice

less than 1 minute read

I really wish I could get “Top Gear” here.  I can just watch that show for hours.  The only way I get to see any episodes is through YouTube.   I just came a...

Ed Dague’s blog has a new home

less than 1 minute read

This is old news, but still worth mentioning.  Ed Dague’s blog has moved from Blogspot to a new location hosted by the Albany Times Union.  If you want to le...

Domain name change

1 minute read

As of today, the address of this blog is now  The old name,, still works but you’ll see the ne...