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Where is

2 minute read

Don’t you hate it when a software component vendor disappears without warning?  In some of our applications, we use a custom datetime edit control named TPSC...

FinalBuilder to the rescue (again)

1 minute read

One of our applications has an installer that is created with Wise InstallBuilder 9.  The application is built from our shiny buildbox under the control of F...

Windows Home Server goes Beta 2

less than 1 minute read

Windows Home Server has reached Beta 2.  Foe those of your playing the home version of “Name That Beta”, Beta 2 means that Microsoft has is now soliciting ex...

I hate Macs

less than 1 minute read

You have to love a good rant…

Yet another rebuild (Part 2)

less than 1 minute read

I’m not installing Opera this time.  I’ve been an Opera bigot for a long time, but it’s not going on my primary work PC.  I’m using FireFox 2 instead of Oper...