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What to install, what to leave out…

2 minute read

I have two machines that I do the brunt of my programming on.  One is a P4 1.8 Ghz box, circa 2002 that was my main work horse.  Last year I got a Pentium D ...

Blog Tagged

3 minute read

Andy just tagged me.  This is the geek version of tag.  I share 5 things about myself, then I tag 5 other people.  The hard is finding 5 other people who hav...

Ed Dague is more than a floating head

less than 1 minute read

I just came across Ed Dague’s blog. He’s much more than a floating head on a an obscure web site. His comments on local media and politics are both interesti...

Sybase has left the building

3 minute read

We dropped support for Sybase’s Adaptive Server Anywhere, effective 12/31/06.  It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the right choice for us.