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Spring cleaning

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While cleaning out the home office (E-Bay, here I come), I came across a souvenir from Hong Kong. It’s a shopping bag from Watsons, I have held on to it for ...

Tivo, one year later

2 minute read

It’s been a year since we started using Tivo and I wouldn’t want to watch TV without it. It’s more than the time-shifting of hour favorite shows (but that pa...

Demoed FinalBuilder at TVUG

2 minute read

Last month I demoed FinalBuilder at TVUG. That was an interesting experience. I have managed to spend my entire career without having to do a public presenta...

Enhanced version of sp_who

less than 1 minute read

I often use sp_who and sp_who2 to see who is connected to what on our development database server. When we need to restore a database, I need to make sure no...