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Adding "Install as…" to context menu

less than 1 minute read

This comes from Michael Willers, by way of Dana Epp. This makes it easier to install .msi packages when logged in as a non-admin use. Too many home PC’s are ...

Disabling the VMWare network adapters

2 minute read

When you are not running a VMWare session, you may want to disable the VMware virtual network adapters. I have found that they can slow down network operatio...

Exceptions and Threads

1 minute read

Scott Allen has a good post about a difference in how unhandled exceptions are dealt with in .NET 2 from how they were handled in 1.1 In 1.1, if a thread has...

Saving and restoring a forms location on

less than 1 minute read

Raghavendra Prabhu has the start of some code to save/restore a form’s position.  This requires the Application Settings feature in 2.0, so this is mostly th...