less than 1 minute read

This tip just popped in my email as part of the TiVo Newsletter:

TiVo Tip: Only the Best, Thank You

So you want to see the 100 greatest American movies of all time, do you? Easy! Get the AFI, 100 Years… Guru Guide and TiVo will automatically record every movie from the list that comes into your living room, from Tootsie to Toy Story, Swing Time to Star Wars, and 96 more. Here’s all you need to do:

  • From TiVo Central, select Find Programs & Downloads.
  • Select KidZone Recommendations & Guru Guides.
  • Scroll down to find AFI, 100 Years…
  • Movies will magically appear on your Now Playing List, just like regular TiVo recordings.

Note: You must be broadband-connected to get a Guru Guide using your TiVo remote. Alternatively, try browsing the guide and scheduling recordings online.

Being able to do stuff like that is one of the reasons I love having TiVo in the house.

