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I don’t care about RocketBoom

less than 1 minute read

I have seen too many blog postings about Amanda Congdon leaving the RocketBoom vlog. There’s a he said/she said thing going on between her and the other owne...

Tomato funeral

less than 1 minute read

I saw a reference to “tomato funeral” on a .Net developer’s blog.  I had to click through the link and ended up somewhere deep in the bowels of Wil Wheaton’s...

Fun with scripted load tests

3 minute read

We are getting ready to do some load tests and it’s time to pick some tools.  The app that we want to test is a client/server app with buckets of processing ...

Self installing services in .NET

3 minute read

I have some service applications that I deploy with Wise for Windows. These particular services are .NET assemblies. The usual way of registering the .NET as...