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How expensive are .NET exceptions?

1 minute read

With .NET, I keep hearing “Don’t use exceptions, they’re expensive” and I have always wondering how true it was.  I’ve been in the camp of using exceptions w...

Repaving an XP box

1 minute read

I’m getting ready to help repave a family member’s PC (Windows XP). Too many questionable things have been installed and some nasty thing is blocking https p...

History of the C family of languages

less than 1 minute read

Billy Hollis has a funny history of the C language. If you have been in the business for more than 10 years, you’ll appreciate it even more.

Keyboard shortcuts for Outlook

less than 1 minute read

Tragically, I live inside Outlook 2003. Anything that makes it faster for me to use, I’ll take. LifeHacker has some good stuff….