"This is worse than a Star Trek convention."
That was a comment posted on a Gothamist blog entry about making fake MTA posters. The designer types are arguing over fonts typefaces. It’s very much like t...
That was a comment posted on a Gothamist blog entry about making fake MTA posters. The designer types are arguing over fonts typefaces. It’s very much like t...
SteveX posted some tidbits about his work on VirusX, a virus checker for the Amiga. I get Lattice flashbacks whenever he does that.
I just came across adminfoo.net, a site with resources for system administrators for Linux, Windows, and Mac. It’s got a lot of cool stuff.
I was doing some work on one of my PC’s and I had the processes list open in Task Manager. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that one process, VMware-au...
Today our main app’s help system broke. I hate that when it happens. This app is built with Delphi, which supports WinHelp (*.hlp) files for context sensit...